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A music intervention for children with reading disorders and its assessment method

A music intervention for children with reading disorders and its assessment method

Presenter Name:Maria Ioanna Zavogianni

School/Affiliation:Brain Imaging Centre, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences, Multilingualism Doctoral School, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary

Co-Authors:Maja Kelić & Ferenc Honbolygó


Previous studies have shown that music trainings can enhance linguistic processes (e.g., categorical perception, phonological awareness) and cognitive abilities (e.g., working memory) in children with dyslexia or any other reading disorder. Our aim is to present a music training programme we have developed for children with dyslexia; we also wish to present the way we are assessing its efficacy. For this purpose, we have conducted a Randomized Control Trial (RCT, Clinical Trials ID: NCT05137353) study with open masking and parallel design. In the pre-training phase, we have recruited 10-year-old children with dyslexia and have conducted behavioral (i.e., 3DM-H, Differential Diagnosis of Dyslexia, Hungarian adaptation) and ERP (i.e., speech multifeature paradigm) measurements. In the training phase, we have applied our music training as the method of intervention. During the post-training phase, we have assessed the effectiveness of the training by conducting the same measurements with the pre-training phase. We are expecting that our training programme, which is based on the overlaps between speech and music as well as the concept of entrainment (i.e., phonological – motoric coordination through music), will reflect the importance of music transferring effects to cognitive functions of language such as reading. Results will be discussed in the light of past music training studies and acoustical and phonological processing in dyslexia. With this study, we will be able to underline the importance of using music interventions as remediation tool for reading difficulties. The present study is currently in progress.

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